Thursday, June 23, 2011

INTERNSHIP UPDATE 2 - Notes on "Radical" by David Platt

This weekend is the leadership retreat for CCF, and I will be there as an intern!

To prepare for the weekend of vision-casting and focusing on a Spirit-led year, we all read the book "Radical" by David Platt. I mentioned some of the challenges in this book previously. I have finished the book, and have learned some things that I want to share with you. I also want to take these things into my ministry with CCF:

1. Jesus was radical. The gospels are filled with Jesus saying things that are hard to hear. He tells people to sell everything they have and give it to the poor, to leave before a father's funeral, to trade their livelihood and their families for persecution and the unknown. Too often I have written off these passages as things that only those people were called to do, or things Jesus said as hyperbole just to make a point. And I'm sure Jesus was making a point. And I don't think everyone is supposed to get rid of everything they own right now, but we still must be willing. And we must not cling to any material thing, or any earthly comfort or security, because we cannot cling to the world and to the Father. No matter what we have, we must consider it all worthless compared to Christ. This is what Platt refers to as "radical abandonment to Jesus."

2. Radical giving. In order to give radically, we must reevaluate what we really need and look past the materialistic culture we are in. One practical thing Platt suggests is figuring out what we need and putting on cap on what we will spend, then giving the rest to support Kingdom growth. Often times, people increase their wealth and increase their living conditions as they do. What if we stopped at what we really needed, the minimum, and used the rest for Kingdom work--for missions, for taking trips to spread the gospel, for sharing with our neighbors in need?

3. Radical going. God's plan is for His people to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. From the beginning of time, God has been trying to bring all peoples back to him. In Genesis 12 we read that God promises Abraham that through him all nations will be blessed. And in Revelation 7, we read about John's vision of the great multitue before the throne consisting of people from every tribe and nation. This is the blessing made possible through the sacrifice of Jesus. 

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? Rom. 10:14-15

This is God's plan for reaching the world. Going and sharing the gospel with people who have not heard is not an option.

There is so much to this book, and I hope you get the chance to read it.

Prayer Points:
-Pray for our retreat this weekend, that we would be led by the Spirit in making decisions and planning for the next year.
-Pray that we would be people who go and teach people who will go and teach people who will go...
-Pray for my funding while I am working with CCF.

Thanks for following, and let me know what I can be praying for you!

With Love,


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